This article is out of date as AntiBotNet was turned off via spork setting when the NOMP pool came online (Oct 2019). In order the mine with BiblePay (BBP), you need to stake 125k BBP that has been aged 1…
Proof of Giving for Beginners (Slovak)
By: R Andrews – preložené a doplnené: orbis odkaz na originál: Vysvetlivky Najskôr je asi potrebné vysvetliť niektoré pojmy. Tieto pojmy sa tu budú často opakovať, tak aby bolo aspoň ako tak jasno čo je čo. Tithe –…
Letter to Stephen Williamson – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
17 October 2018 Mr. Stephen Williamson Research Division Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 442 St. Louis, MO 63166-0442 Mr. Stephen — I read your paper “Is Bitcoin a Waste of Resources?” and wanted to respond to Argument #3:…