Ubuntu 19.1 supports raspi (ARM)
Ubuntu 19.1 officially supports Raspberry Pi (raspi) on ARM now. There’s many advantages to running 64-bit versus 32-bit these days. According to the hackaday, the benchmarks show 64-bit is clearly better in many instances. And another benchmark here.
If you are interesting in using Raspberry Pi with BiblePay, you can install compile your own BiblePay daemon by using the Lite Guide below.
If you prefer to download the binary instead, you can try this link from BiblePay: https://biblepay.org/biblepayd-evo-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
Biblepay on Raspberry pi – Lite Guide
Choose a headless operating system for the RPi like raspbian lite (headless) for wallet.
install required packages:
$ sudo apt-get install git curl build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config python3 bsdmainutils cmake screen
clone repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/biblepay/biblepay-evolution
what’s the host-platform-triplet?
$ gcc -dumpmachine # something like `arm-linux-gnueabihf` for raspbian!
cd depends
$ make HOST=host-platform-triplet -j4 # your own hpt!
$ cd .. ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure --prefix `pwd`/depends/<host> # host is just your own hpt
$ make
BiblePay Miner for ARM
The hash rate for the BBP miner is not great, but if you want to mine with ARM, there’s a binary of the bbpminer here. No guarantees it is the latest build.