How to set up Proof of Bible Hash (PoBH) for “funded” mining?

This article is out of date as AntiBotNet was turned off via spork setting when the NOMP pool came online (Oct 2019).

In order the mine with BiblePay (BBP), you need to stake 125k BBP that has been aged 1 day (or 64.25k BBP that has aged 2 days). These aged coins will be used when you mine a block. The idea is to discourage CPU bot-nets and only allow people that have some BBP to mine. So, how do I started mining if I have no BBP? If you do not have any BiblePay to stake as part of the mining, you can join the BiblePay pool at 

So, some new members still say, “I’m unable to get mining working at all.”

Here’s my biblepay.conf

And getmininginfo gives:

"blocks": 141273,
"currentblocksize": 1000,
"currentblocktx": 0,
"difficulty": 3016.46229637887,
"errors": "",
"pooledtx": 0,
"chain": "main",
"genproclimit": 1,
"networkhashps": 458278.7718925779,
"hashps": 0,
"minerstarttime": "08-28-2019 17:05:05",
"hashcounter": 0,
"pooledtx": 0,
"chain": "main",
"biblepay-generate": false,
"poolinfo1": "",
"poolinfo2": "",
"poolinfo3": "",
"poolinfo5": "Internal ABN: Invalid 1567012050; ",
"abninfo": "No block to mine... Please wait... 1567012125; ",
"gsc_errors": "low abn weight 0",
"poolmining": false,
"pool_url": "",
"required_abn_weight": 125000

go back to the pool, create another worker called:


this time select funded = yes (funded=1).

in your biblepay.conf, add a new line called


restart wallet

see what getmininginfo says after 1-2 minutes.

If you get a message that says “valid ABN”, then you should be pool mining.

Look under Reports after 30 minutes (or longer if the pool has not mined any blocks recently) and see if you are getting a share of the mined block.

If you’re still getting not getting mining results or the pool doesn’t recognize you, did you use One Click Mining Configuration? Your biblepay.conf may be saved as macOS file and you may need to recreate your biblepay.conf from scratch (not using QT wallet) with the same information mentioned above. There’s a bug that creates the biblepay.conf with just cr instead of crlf when creating the end of line.