What is BiblePay’s Healing campaign?

Have you ever wondered what the Healing Campaign is in BiblePay?

From BiblePay Wiki:

The BiblePay Healing campaign is an optional campaign for Believers who want to make a big difference in the world by physically affecting others in a way that bears real Christian fruit. The first goal of this campaign is for us to go out in the real world and bear fruit. That means going out and Spreading the Gospel, Healing the Sick, Casting out Demons, Conducting spiritual Warfare campaigns, or praying at loved ones request(s).

In the Healing campaign, users are rewarded for diary entries. There’s diverse background of believers, so everyone is encouraged to use the Healing campaign in a manner they are comfortable with. Examples of diary entries can be praying for a loved one, for spiritual activities, or anything that forwards God’s kingdom.

How to submit Healing (GSC) transaction

In Tools, Debug Console of the QT wallet, you can do the following:

22:34:10 sendgscc healing 1 "prayer"

This will submit a GSC Transmission (Generic Smart Contract) to the wallet.

The above command in Debug Console, sends 1 BBP to the Orphan Foundation for a Healing transaction.

Besides the prayer appear in the Overview of the QT wallet, you will also get paid BBP based on your prominence once a day.

You will be able to see your statistics under Leaderboard. I suggest you click on Details to get a breakdown of the percentages.

biblepay.conf setup for Healing campaign

Below is what you need in your biblepay.conf . Make sure to restart the wallet once you have these settings in there:

# mining

# gsc

# gscclientminerfrequency=604800

Past Healing Prayers


block nickname prayer
122200-122405 worldpeace got bitten by a snake, and was able to heal
122405-122610 scw Prayed for the healing and salvation of my neighbours
123225-123430 randrews Prayed for Maurices full body Hemophilia to leave and for his neck, and for him to forgive his brother.
123225-123430 orbis Prayed for my teen nephew to make his tumor gone
123225-123430 worldpeace healed in jesus name
123225-123430 jesusrules prayer for right hip pain to go away
123225-123430 jesusrules prayed for leukemia to go away
123225-123430 jesusrules prayed for leukemia to leave body
123430-123635 jesusrules prayed for leukemia to leave body
123430-123635 randrews Prayed for Roy who was paralyzed with 2 gunshot wounds to the legs, and gave him lunch money.
123430-123635 worldpeace Prayed for skin pain to peel away.
123430-123635 worldpeace prayed for skin rash/pain to go away
123430-123635 randrews Prayed for Shielas left foot at walmart, 3*, the third time pain went 100% away, and also prayed for her to land a job.
123430-123635 Porpoise Today we prayed for the continued health and safety of our congregation, that through our minister’s teaching we may come closer to God and be cleansed of sin.
123430-123635 worldpeace Prayed for stomach ache to go away at children’s hospital after they received cancer treatment. Stomach pain did not go away, but was happy for a visit and a lolaloopsy toy.
123430-123635 jesusrules prayed for homeless man on street his eczema would be healed and that his sores would be healed soon.
123635-123840 randrews Prayed for Jack with no eyesight in one eye, that this prayer will not return void.His eye will be checked Thursday.
123635-123840 worldpeace prayed for beggar on wheelchair (no legs) on street corner that he will have a place to sleep tonight and his body and mind can be healed from a secure resting place.
123840-124045 worldpeace prayed for homeless man panhandling the may the grace of god protect him and keep him safe. that his nutrition would improve and his busted lips be healed.
123840-124045 randrews Cast a demon out of woman on parkbench in front of Parkland hospital, the police and security came to stop me but luckily when the demon left her she threw up in the grass and the police left after discussing the matter.
123840-124045 jesusrules Prayed for r the homeless guy on sidewalk. Gave him money so he could buy a burrito from Taco Bell.
123840-124045 jesusrules Prayed for r the homeless guy on sidewalk. Gave him money so he could buy a footlong from Subway.
123840-124045 randrews Handed out 4 bibles under the bridge just East of the salvation army.
124045-124250 randrews Prayed for Don’s kidney failure to be reversed and for him to overcome his financial problems.
124045-124250 randrews Prayed for Sandy in church who is in a wheelchair, for leg strength to return and for diabetes to leave the body.
124045-124250 worldpeace Prayed for johnny that his mind would be healed from mental sickness. That God’s grace may place peace in his heart and mind.
124045-124250 scw2 Praying for the safe delivery of my sister-in-law’s son Tim. He is a week or two early (premature). May the Lord watch over my brother’s family.
124045-124250 orbis Prayed for BBP community to last as long as possible in such a good mood, humility and contentment as in the last few days.
124250-124455 randrews Prayed for a womans carpal tunnel who will be taking a typing test.
124250-124455 scw2 Praying for the safe delivery of Timothy. Mother is currently in labour at 36 weeks of her second pregnancy. May the Lord fill Timothy even from his mother’s womb and may he grow up to be a shepherd of the Lord’s flock like his dad!
124250-124455 scw2 Praying for the Corlette, who has terminal cancer. Pray that she will receive the loving, saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ before she meets him at judgement.
124250-124455 randrews Prayed for Sharons kneecaps to be replaced at Walmart – she was in a mobility scooter.
124455-124660 randrews Prayed anti-witchcraft prayers for Trump.
124455-124660 jesusrules prayed for homeless man with no legs . prayed that he might get a wheelchair soon.
124455-124660 oncoapop3 Thank God that Tim, premature baby prayed ffor yesterday with problems, is able to breastfeed currently and appears to be recovering.
124660-124865 randrews Conducted spiritual warfare for Trump this morning and prayed for God to teach Trump to handle war and give him wisdom and strength unto battle.
124865-125070 worldpeace Prayed for Evan with a broken ankle at restaurant. That his broken ankle heal quickly. His ankle was not healed immediately after prayer.
124865-125070 Porpoise In Jesus’ name we pray for the enlightenment of the whole world, that they may come to see God’s Kingdom.Amen.
124865-125070 orbis Prayed for my pregnant sister-in-law to have strong faith for miracle to rescue her baby.
124865-125070 randrews Prayed for BKs arm to heal from surgery and for financial blessings.
125070-125275 worldpeace Prayed for John’s broken nose to heal quickly so he may breathe freely like the freedom Jesus gives with his forgiveness.
125070-125275 randrews Prayed for Daniels eyesight at the Salvation Army who has an eye patch (he was stabbed in the right eye in a prison fight).He is waiting for an eye operation and I pray his eye is miraculously healed before the surgery.
125480-125685 randrews Saw Adrian limping down the aisle near the car parts- prayed for his left hip, pain went from 8 to 3 to 2 to 0, he was miraculously healed, praise Jesus!He texted me that pain is still gone, to pray for his son Jadarion, who was in a car accident.Please pray.
125480-125685 randrews Prayed for Juan who had a bad right knee, prayed for new kneecap, unbelievable results, pain went from 8 to 4, 4 to 1, 1 to 0, praise our Mighty King!
125480-125685 randrews I prayed that autism and speech impediment be cast out of MZs body.
125685-125890 pollux Prayed for Tim, born premature in Thailand and intensive care. Today, he recovered well and doctors plan to discharge him to his family (Pastor E, wife J and son, S). Thank and Praise the Name of Jesus.
125685-125890 pollux Prayed for M’s stomach ache and pain was relieved. Thank you Jesus.
125890-126095 randrews Prayed for Jadarion who was in a car accident whose Dad was miraculously healed by Jesus at walmart.
126095-126300 worldpeace Prayed for man in wheelchair with no legs. He said he lost his whole family.
126095-126300 randrews Prayed for my cousins to be guarded by guardian angels and for an anointing of repentance and salvation to hover over them.
126095-126300 randrews Prayed for BiblePay to be blessed and for the fire of God to remove any strife in this project.
126300-126505 randrews Prayed for a woman in a wheelchair with Leo from Florida, she came running up to us a couple weeks later exclaiming she can walk now!Praise Jesus!
126300-126505 randrews Prayed for a pastor at walmart who had a bad back and leg problems, pain went to 0 after a few prayers, he was very excited and walking around testing it!
126300-126505 worldpeace Great is your faithfulness.
126300-126505 worldpeace Bless the Lord O My Soul.
126505-126710 randrews Prayed for Keishas mononucleosis to leave her body now, in Jesus name.
126505-126710 jesusrules Prayed for dog’s owner sick dog. May Jesus heal the dog soon.
126915-127120 worldpeace Prayed for broken leg of person reading newspaper at Cafe.
126915-127120 randrews Prayed for Susans siatic nerve, leg and back problem, pain lessened.
126915-127120 Porpoise Prayed for the success of ABN
126915-127120 randrews Prayed for Sharons knees and bone spurs and right leg to be strengthened.She is improving per her texts.
127120-127325 randrews Prayed for an anointing of repentance and salvation to hover over those that need him.
127325-127530 tiras Thank you Lord for protecting those who had stroke and survived after it. Prayed for my dad’s recovery.
127325-127530 randrews Cast out a demon from a woman at Parkland hospital who was crying on the park bench.She was tormented by unclean spirits.
127530-127735 randrews Prayed for Dave Mustaine’s throat cancer.
127530-127735 randrews Prayed for Tias full body cancer to be cursed in Jesus name.
127530-127735 scw2 Prayed and laid hands on Dwho will undergo an operation to unblock his right carotid artery with a second stent. Prayed for the Lord to show D mercy and favour. Prayed also that the Lord will enable the surgeons to do the operation well that D may return to praise the Lord with his church family.
127940-128145 randrews Gave Daniel who is blind a red KJV audio bible and charger, and prayed for his eyesight to return, and for a successful operation.
127940-128145 randrews Prayed for Mikes right foot in mobility scooter; pain went from 5 to 2 to 1, I believe would have gone to 0 but he had to go.Praise Jesus!
127940-128145 randrews Prayed for Juan, a blind man outside of walmart, First prayer nothing noticeable, second prayer he said light is coming in! Praise Jesus! Unfortunately his car ride came and he left.
128145-128350 scw2 Visited D in hospital and praised God for the operation which went well but had post-op complications. Thanked the Lord that the surgeons were able to control the bleeding and that the subsequent procedures went well. Prayed for a recovery to health that D and M may continue to praise the Lord and serve Him in our church.
128145-128350 scw2 Prayed that we will be the salt and light of the world and witnesses for Christ.
128145-128350 pollux Laid hands and prayed for K who is addicted to pornography and G, a former pastor who dabbled in pornography and we previously dismissed. May the Lord break through these strongholds and may they live surrendered lives obedient to one master that is Christ.
128145-128350 b60a8ce26f prayed for broken middle toe of this transgender person by the name quicny
128350-128555 randrews Prayed for a pastors spider bite at walmart today.
128350-128555 trumpfan Prayed for the continued success of President Trump and his plans to make America God’s Kingdom on Earth.
128555-128760 randrews Prayed for Roy to be healed of his gunshot wounds to his legs.
128555-128760 randrews Prayed for a man at the park with a broken arm, for a successful operation.
128555-128760 b60a8ce26f prayed for Rob Halford to repent and believe in Jesus and not the devil
128760-128965 scw2 GIve praise to the Lord for hearing our prayers and watching over the following people who had successful operations, D and G. Thank God we were able to participate in reconciliation with G & N. Prayed for D family as they leave for missions in closed country.
128760-128965 randrews Prayed for Michaels right foot, pain went from 5 to 2 to 1, praise Jesus, he wouldnt let me pray to 0 as he was already happy.
128760-128965 worldpeace prayed for heroin addict on sidewalk panhandling. gave food, some money, and prayed that he depend on jesus and not heroin for his daily living.
128965-129170 b60a8ce26f prayed for man who was shoulting racist epithets that he come to love people like Jesus loves him
128965-129170 orbis Prayed for my sister to get well soon after car accident.
128965-129170 scw2 Thank God that C is with the safety of an adult. However, prayed that family will continue to stand on Biblical principles and that God will heal the relationships and C would submit to her family in Christ.
128965-129170 randrews Sheila was thrown through a plate glass window, she has a torn achilles heal.Prayed for Sheila rt foot in scooter, pain left her, she texted that she dropped her crutches, then she went to church, she tithed, and a lightning bolt hit her foot and completely cured the rest of the severed ligament!We met again to share testimonies. Praise Jesus!
128965-129170 worldpeace prayed for the orphans in the world get adopted by loving parents.
129170-129375 randrews I was guided by the Holy Spirit to Dolores, a wonderful sister in Christ who rescues lost teens, I prayed for her MS to be cursed, and for her neck to be healed (neck pain went from 6 to 2 to 1), prayed for MS multiple times, but yesterday she was not feeling pain, gave her my card; she received a dream that she will be moving to central Texas to start a Christian teen guidance school.
129375-129580 worldpeace prayed for orphans find family in Christ, that others find it in their heart to adopt possibly
129375-129580 oncoapop3 Prayed for the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest field (Luke 10:2)
129375-129580 trumpfan Prayed for the success of President Trump’s show of force for our nation’s Fourth of July parade.
129580-129785 trumpfan Prayed for everlasting freedom and justice in America.May the light of God continue to shine on this great nation.Amen.
129580-129785 randrews Prayed for Sheillas financial recovery, prayed for Bobs financial recovery.
129785-129990 oncoapop3 Prayed for Leslie who has terminal leukaemia. Encouraged him that God sends trials in our lives to purify and sanctify us for eternity.
130400-130605 randrews Prayed for Bob & Greg to receive financial blessings, for BK to avoid bankruptcy, and for an anointing of salvation and repentance to hover over them.
130400-130605 b60a8ce26f prayed for the holy spirit to reveal itself to biblepay and the devs
130605-130810 randrews Prayed for Dons kidney failure to be reversed, prayed for Sandys muscle strength, and prayed for both of their financial blessings.
130605-130810 worldpeace prayed for homeless man to find a home soon
130810-131015 worldpeace prayed for the unforgiving heart, that they may forgive and realize what Jesus did for you
130810-131015 oncoapop3 Prayed for GP who God healed of colon cancer through surgery and by prayer. Pray that he will continue to trust in God as he undergoes routine tests to monitor his health. May he continue to lead his family in the Lord and may they grow in the Lord.
131015-131220 worldpeace prayed for the child cleft mouth, that hey may be able to have surgery, and have a chance at a normal anonymous life
131015-131220 randrews I prayed for the lukewarm, agnostics, and atheists to receive a strong anointing of repentance, wisdom of God, and salvation to hover over them and for them to open up their hard hearts to receive the anointing.
131015-131220 worldpeace prayed for biblepay to succeed
131220-131425 randrews Please pray for Rosas repentance, salvation and mental stability for killing her baby.
131220-131425 randrews Prayed for Davids back and water retention.Pain went from 9 to 2 to 1 to ZERO.He got up and twisted around and said back problem is healed.Praise Jesus!
131425-131630 randrews Prayed for President Trump to lead the country by Gods wisdom and not pride.
131425-131630 Porpoise Prayed for the safety of those affected by Hurricane Barry.
131425-131630 trumpfan Prayed that President Trump doesn’t back down to foreign threats against the United States.Amen.
131425-131630 oncoapop3 Prayed for DP who fractured the right foot and needs an operation to prevent further loss of function of the left foot. Prayed that God will give the surgeons wisdom and skill for a successful operation.
131630-131835 randrews Pratyed for Sanders breast cancer to be cured in Jesus name.
132040-132245 worldpeace prayed for salvation satanic musicians and not to rebuke the Holy Spirit
132245-132450 randrews Prayed for my cousins to be guarded by guardian Angels and receive an anointing of repentance and salvation.
132245-132450 worldpeace prayed for kenyan orphanage. if true, hope missionary can repent and be healed in jesus name. i pray the children recover from the ordeal as well.
132245-132450 randrews Prayed for Mikes paralysis to leave, gave him a card for follow up.
132245-132450 randrews Prayed for a woman paralyzed in a wheelchair with her son Dave who acted as an interpreter.
132245-132450 RubeGold prayed for the cynical, unforgiving, manipulative, and controlling people in our lives. have an open heart
132450-132655 randrews Gave 5 bibles to the salvation army book unit.
132450-132655 worldpeace prayed for peace in the middle east. forgiveness, reconcilliation, not revenge
132450-132655 randrews Prayed for Freds diabetes to leave his body, and for his feet.Prayed for Valis stomach infection to be cured before her doctor visit.
132450-132655 randrews Prayed for Gwens leg to be healed.
132450-132655 RubeGold prayed for the thick headed people that will not listen with closed minds and angry hearts
132655-132860 worldpeace prayed for squashing the sinful bugs in our lives
132655-132860 RubeGold Psalm 34:21 ESV Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.
132655-132860 RubeGold prayed for james and libby that will be teenage parents. may God bless their life.
132655-132860 randrews Prayed for Freds diabetes to be reversed.Preached to an atheist downtown about Holiness (she believed God always forgives willful sin).Preached to her friend about the big bang and darwinism that imho these were false teachings.
132655-132860 RubeGold prayed for dog hit by car to recover from pain quickly
132860-133065 RubeGold prayed for woman’s back pain to heal
133065-133270 randrews Gave a woman who had no money to tithe a church tithe to give to the church.
133065-133270 randrews Gave a woman who had no money to tithe a church tithe to give to the church.
133270-133475 RubeGold prayed for man’s leg pain on sidewalk. he was walking with crutches. he seemed more at ease after prayer
133270-133475 oncoapop3 Prayed for L family who lost their husband and father suddenly last week. Prayed that R will learn to trust in God as he steps into the role of family head. Prayed that he and his household would trust and serve the Lord.
133270-133475 worldpeace prayed for hubris to disappear from this man
133270-133475 RubeGold praying for humility to enter and stubborness to leave people. be open to listening
133270-133475 worldpeace prayed for forgiveness when i killed the spider
133270-133475 oncoapop3 Prayed for D who was discharged from hospital after a stroke following major surgery. Prayed for recovery and continued witness to their friends and family.
133270-133475 RubeGold prayed for homeless person begging for change they will have a place to sleep tonight
133475-133680 randrews Prayed for JZs back, spine and discs to be healed.Checked her leg lengths and they were OK.Will follow up.
133475-133680 worldpeace donated 50 bibles to local hotel
133475-133680 randrews Prayed for Art who is a lukewarm Cathloic who believes God is attacking his family, for him to understand that Satan is the one attacking and that he comes back to the faith in Jesus.
133475-133680 randrews Prayed for Eddie, who is a lukewarm backslider who lost faith in God, for God to reveal himself to Eddie.
133680-133885 RubeGold happy birthday biblepay! you are two today!
133885-134090 oncoapop3 Prayed for the family of ML who passed away suddenly in an accident. Prayed that R who we shared the Gospel with, will use this opportunity to put his trust in the Lord in this time of loss and grieving.
134090-134295 randrews Prayed for Nic, who was shot in the chest at Parkland Hospital, for a full recovery.
134090-134295 Sakic Prayed for Biblepay to become top 50 coin soon.
134090-134295 Sakic Prayed for Biblepay to become top 50 coin soon.
134295-134500 randrews Prayed for a womans cancer to be reversed inside the outpatient clinic.
134295-134500 oncoapop3 Prayed for A whose breast cancer relapsed after a decade of remission. Asked the Lord to, in His grace and mercy, cause the new round of chemotherapy to stop and destroy the spine metastases. Prayed for her health and relationship with S.
134295-134500 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury.
134500-134705 oncoapop3 Thanked the Lord for answering our prayers and preserving the lives of those who have undergone various procedures in hospital, are now discharged and home recovering.
134500-134705 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
134705-134910 trumpfan Prayed for the continued success and prosperity of The United States of America.Amen.
134705-134910 Porpoise Prayed for the families and loved ones of those lost in the senseless shooting in California.May God guide them in this time of grief and suffering.
134705-134910 oncoapop3 Prayed for M who had procedure on her eyes and is now recovering with some discomfort. Prayed that she would not be hindered to serve the Lord.
134705-134910 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
134910-135115 randrews Prayed for a womans hand in a cast outside of an outpatient clinic near Childrens Hospital.
134910-135115 RubeGold prayed for lady at walmart walking with crutches. prayed for her pain to go away. she was able to walk without her crutches after the prayer!
135115-135320 oncoapop3 Prayed for NF who had a sudden heart attack but was revived. Prayed for the salvation of herself and her husband in this time of crisis.
135115-135320 pollux Prayed for A who has been given weeks to live. Prayed for God to give me wisdom to advise her and her doctor with regards to treatment options. Prayed that God would show us His will and plan for A and family, and direct us how to pray.
135115-135320 oncoapop3 Prayed for L family as they mourn the loss of the ML. Prayed that they will turn from their idols to trust in the Living God.
135115-135320 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
135320-135525 orbis Prayed for doctors to have best possibilities and choices to help my nephew.
135320-135525 randrews Prayed for a womans hand at church who was standing in line to be prayed for.
135320-135525 oncoapop3 Prayed for L family as they mourn the loss of the ML. Prayed that they will turn from their idols to trust in the Living God.
135525-135730 orbis changequantity=50
135525-135730 randrews Prayed for Clotias full body cancer with Cindy in Walmart.Prayed for Cindys right leg – had a band on it – Pain went from 6 to 2 to 0! PRAISE JESUS!
135525-135730 randrews Prayed for Carols lower back, pain went from 2 to 1 to 0, praise Jesus! Prayed for her depression to be cursed and cast out in Jesus Name.
135525-135730 oncoapop3 Prayed for A who has relapsed cancer which does not respond to chemotherapy. Prayed for the family who have yet to know Christ, that A’s cancer and life will bring glory to God and point to salvation in Christ to those who are unsaved.
135525-135730 randrews Prayed for Gary my house contractors knee that he had years of rehab on and couldnt bend, pain went from 6 to 2, stiffness went from 6 to 2 to 1, he walked up the steps like he hasnt in years, will continue to follow up, Praise Jesus!
135525-135730 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
135730-135935 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
135935-136140 Porpoise Prayed for the victims and families of those affected by the shooting in El Paso.
135935-136140 oncoapop3 Prayed for A who has terminal cancer and given weeks to live. Prayed that A will be able to fight the good fight in the Lord.
135935-136140 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
136140-136345 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
136345-136550 randrews Prayed for JS to be delivered from Depression.Please pray for JS to be delivered from Depression permanently.
136345-136550 oncoapop3 Prayed for Y who is staying with us. Prayed that we will be able to share the Gospel with him before he returns to his country and that the Holy Spirit will work to testify the truth in his life.
136345-136550 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
136550-136755 oncoapop3 Prayed for Y who is staying with us. Prayed that we will be able to share the Gospel with him before he returns to his country and that the Holy Spirit will work to testify the truth in his life.
136550-136755 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
136755-136960 oncoapop3 Prayed for T who is in a coma and on life support following a cardiac arrest. Prayed for her salvation and that of her husband who have yet to know you. Prayed that N would have an opportunity to share the Gospel with them and for the Lord to heal T so that she may respond and put her trust in the Living Lord.
136755-136960 Sakic Prayed for healing and quick recovery my sisters knee injury
136960-137165 randrews Prayed for Mikes knees, legs, arthritis and financial blessings.
137370-137575 oncoapop3 Prayed for our outreach VBS next week where we will host a hundred neighbourhood kids. Prayed that through the Bible Study, we will preach the Word and through the activities we would live out the Word, that some of the kids may come to know the love of Christ, who is the Living Word, in their lives.
137370-137575 oncoapop3 Prayed for N and M as they minister to Trish and Asher. Trish is on life support after a heart attack and needs to hear the Gospel. Prayed that the Lord would open an opportunity.
137575-137780 RubeGold prayed for those suffering from gun violence to heal from the insanity
137780-137985 randrews Prayed for Angel I’s left ear last night (who is agnostic) and asked for Jesus to reveal himself.The hearing level increased.Prayed again for his ear and his right leg stiffness.He got very talkative and wouldnt admit what was happening.
137780-137985 RubeGold prayed for the gun violence victims, that they may heal and find meaning in the suffering
137780-137985 oncoapop3 Prayed for the salvation of the kids who attend our summer camp. Prayed that when the Word is spoken, the Holy Spirit will help the kids understand and respond to the Gospel.
137780-137985 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
137985-138190 brainbug77 Prayers and blessings to receive God’s safety and protection daily.
137985-138190 RubeGold Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. … Amen.
137985-138190 oncoapop3 Prayed for Tyler, Lucas, Jacob, Trevor, Kokoro, Micah, Lou and Astrid, some of the 100 kids who attend our Bible class at the Sports Camp. Prayed for the Holy Spirit to help them understand the Word and Gospel as we preach and teach it over the next few days.
137985-138190 RubeGold prayed for knee pain on coworker to go away after sports accident. pain level went from 6 to 1 after prayer. meow!
137985-138190 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
138190-138395 brainbug77 Dear Heavenly Father full of grace & love, I ask that you please guide me & protect me. These past couple of days I have been afraid & living in fear & I ask that you relive me of those feelings & replace them with strength & peace of mind, body, soul & spirit. In the name of Jesus, I pray amen.
138190-138395 trumpfan Prayed that China does the right thing and protects the people of Hong Kong.Amen.
138190-138395 randrews Prayed for Eddies neck pain.Pain went from 4 to ZERO!Eddie came up to ME and asked if I could pray for him!Praise JESUS!
138190-138395 oncoapop3 Prayed for the presentation of the Gospel at our Sports Camp. May the Lord guard His Word to let it be articulated clearly and accurately. May God prepare the hearts and minds of the boys and girls who hear His voice to respond to Jesus, their Lord and Saviour.
138190-138395 Sakic Prayed for healing and recovery my sisters knee injury
138395-138600 RubeGold prayed for people to stop holding unhealthy grudges
138395-138600 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
138600-138805 brainbug77 Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life.Please forgive me. I now try turn from everything that I know is wrong.
138805-139010 oncoapop3 Prayed for W who was electrocuted when she stepped into a pool of water with a downed mains wire. Prayed for the two orphaned children she leaves. Prayed for funds for her funeral as her church is very poor.
138805-139010 brainbug77 God is with me! God is with us!! God is with me!!! we lack for nothing good. Almighty, Eternal and Everlasting God, we thank You for this day and everyday. From the rising of the sun and the going down of the same, May the name of Almighty God be praised. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
138805-139010 oncoapop3 Led prayer group to interceed for J who is on drugs and has stopped church attendance. Prayed for the Lord to reach J who is dealing with emotional issues and heal J’s heart.
138805-139010 brainbug77 Dear Lor
138805-139010 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
139010-139215 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
139215-139420 oncoapop3 Prayed for R as he navigates life without his father. Prayed that we will be able to help him find Christ in his sadness and stage of life.
139215-139420 RubeGold prayed for the health of orphans around the world
139215-139420 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
139420-139625 oncoapop3 Prayed for wisdom in regards to selling our property and downsizing to prepare for the whatever work and ministry the Lord has prepared for us to do in these last days.
139420-139625 pollux Prayed for JBM in India, a church and an orphanage which we have supported for >20 years. They are facing tough financial and social times. Prayed for the Lord to intervene to help those who are helpless.
139420-139625 RubeGold prayed for gun victims to heal quickly and to seek God
139420-139625 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
139625-139830 RubeGold prayed for gary’s knee paindt.went from 5 to 7.
139625-139830 randrews I was approached by a deaf man collecting money for a natl deaf assn, so I prayed for his ears to be opened 3 times.He motioned that he was slightly hearing but God may be working over a longer period.
139625-139830 oncoapop3 Prayed for the village of Rapelle, India which is under flood water. Prayed for the orphanage and church there which we support – that God would intervene to help the helpless orphans and widows in distress.
139830-140035 Budinga Pray for me and my wife to have a baby as we have been trying for years…<MT>PRAYER</MT><MK>OUT_TX</MK><MV>Pray for me and my wife to have a baby as we have been trying for years…</MV>
140035-140240 RubeGold prayed for the homeless man begging with broken leg. may he be healed in jesus name
140035-140240 oncoapop3 Prayed for G who is undergoing surgery. Pray that G will continue to trust the Lord in the little as well as the bigger issues in her life – like the salvation of her loved ones.
140035-140240 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
140240-140445 RubeGold prayed for j’s shoulder pain. went from pain level of 7 to 5
140240-140445 randrews Prayed for Kims right knee, pain decreased from 10 to 7, praise Jesus!Prayed for Lulus left ear to be opened, her hearing increased!She couldnt speak English and insisted the hearing will come back the rest of the way by itself.
140240-140445 oncoapop3 Prayed for the Lord’s grace and mercy over A who has terminal cancer. Thanked the Lord for A’s life as a wife, mother and sister-in-Christ to many. Prayed that A will continue to glorify the Lord through her pain and suffering. Prayed that she will be rewarded for her faith in the one and only True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Great I AM.
140240-140445 RubeGold prayed for m’s car accident. in icu, may she heal quickly and wake up acoma
140445-140650 oncoapop3 Prayed for the Lord’s grace and mercy over A who has terminal cancer. Thanked the Lord for A’s life as a wife, mother and sister-in-Christ to many. Prayed that A will continue to glorify the Lord through her pain and suffering. Prayed that she will be rewarded for her faith in the one and only True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Great I AM.
140650-140855 oncoapop3 Prayed for E whose wife is suffering from terminal cancer. Thanked the Lord for their faithful witness to and joy in Christ throughout her suffering and prayed that the Lord will be merciful and gracious to them.
140650-140855 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
140855-141060 oncoapop3 Prayed and laid hands on A in the hospice. Gave thanks for her life, the gift of time when God graciously healed her of cancer and now for His continued grace and mercy for A and her family.
140855-141060 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
141060-141265 randrews Prayed for Rachelles legs – they were in pain and weak, pain went from 7 to 6 to 5 Praise Jesus!After speaking to her for a long time she left.
141060-141265 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
141265-141470 orbis Prayed for soul of my nephew who have passed away to be one of the saints in the heaven.
141470-141675 randrews Prayed for a mans neck in the front of the store; his pain level went to 0; praise Jesus!
141675-141880 RubeGold prayed for the woman the drug addict on the sidewalk with festering wounds to heal
141675-141880 RubeGold prayed for k’s ankle and for it to heal. asked if she felt better after prayer. she said no.
141675-141880 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
141880-142085 trumpfan Prayed for those who lost their lives in Texas today.Amen.
142085-142290 randrews Prayed intercessory prayer for the lost souls in the world and in the spirit for my parents and for the prayer list.
142085-142290 oncoapop3 Prayed for the Lord’s blessing on R as he returns to his country to be with his family following the untimely demise of his father. Prayed that he will learn to trust in Jesus more and more as the Bread of Life who alone is able to sustain R.
142085-142290 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
142290-142495 RubeGold hands across america to heal this nation of great gun violence
142290-142495 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
142495-142700 randrews Prayed for Sandys COPD; prayed for three more women with COPD at Wal Mart.
142495-142700 randrews Prayed for Maries neck and back; pain went from 6 to 4 to 3; she was certainly being healed; she had to go. Praise Jesus!
142495-142700 randrews The Holy spirit guided me to stand in a certain place, and Mary came up to me.I prayed and rebuked her full body cancer and gave her my card.
142700-142905 oncoapop3 Prayed for W and A who need a place to stay as their family has been given notice to vacate their suite as their tenure as students have ended. Prayed that they will trust in the Lord in their search for suitable accommodation to raise their two children.
142700-142905 RubeGold prayed for the senseless gun violence in Texas
142700-142905 RubeGold Prayed for a postal worker.
142905-143110 randrews Prayed for Victorias back and stomach infirimity.Pain went from 10 directly to ZERO!Praise Jesus!Gave her my card.Prayed for diviriculities to be cursed.
142905-143110 randrews Prayed for Ralph a parapalegic with no feeling in his lower body, prayed for feeling to be restored.Prayed for his screws to dissolve and his spine to be restored.
142905-143110 RubeGold prayed for the texas postal worker who died. he delivered mail for us. May Jesus deliver his soul and may the people around him be healed through the power of Jesus
142905-143110 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
143110-143315 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
143315-143520 RubeGold prayed for the texas postal worker who died. he delivered mail for us. May Jesus deliver his soul and may the people around him be healed through the power of Jesus
143315-143520 randrews Prayed for Maries mother in the outpatient clinic for her stroke to be reversed.Witnessed to her for a half hour about Jesus being the true God.Prayed that God reveals himself to them.
143315-143520 oncoapop3 Prayed and thanked the Lord for the life and witness of A, who while in her last days suffering from terminal cancer, considered it a joy to glory her Lord and Saviour through her suffering because she knew she would not be able to do that in heaven where she is with Jesus now.
143315-143520 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
143520-143725 randrews Prayed for America to be spared from judgement by our merciful Lord.
143520-143725 RubeGold prayed for the texas postal worker who died. he delivered mail for us. May Jesus deliver his soul and may the people around him be healed through the power of Jesus
143520-143725 oncoapop3 Prayed for the Word of the Lord to be taught faithfully in Bible Studies around the world this week. Prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide His people as they open and read the Word of the Lord which may be their sustenance for Holy Living.
143520-143725 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
143725-143930 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
143930-144135 randrews Preached to Jonie for a half hour about Jesus.She only owned the Quran.Gave her my bible.Prayed for her financial blessings and her depression and legs and body.
143930-144135 randrews Prayed for Juan in front of the hospital, for his knees to be replaced.Pain went from 6 to 4 to 3.Praise Jesus!
143930-144135 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
144135-144340 RubeGold prayed for dorian victims to depend on Jesus more during difficult times. May their bodies, homes be healed, and other necessities provisioned by Jesus Christ
144135-144340 Porpoise Prayed for the victims and families of those lost on this day 18 years ago.We will never forget
144135-144340 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
144340-144545 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
144545-144750 RubeGold rayed for dorian victims to depend on Jesus more during difficult times. May their bodies, homes be healed, and other necessities provisioned by Jesus Christ
144545-144750 oncoapop3 Prayed for B who has undergone knee surgery. Prayed for a speedy recovery and that he uses the time in recovery to wait on the Lord and spend quiet before Him.
144545-144750 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
144750-144955 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
144955-145160 RubeGold prayed for dorian victims to depend on Jesus more during difficult times. May their bodies, homes be healed, and other necessities provisioned by Jesus Christ
144955-145160 randrews Cursed Victorias stroke; and her back infirmity, in Jesus Name.
144955-145160 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
145160-145365 RubeGold prayed for the homeless woman I saw under the bridge. may she be made whole in her addictions, housing issues and to come to know Jesus in her heart
145160-145365 brainbug77 Father the creator of Heaven and Earth, I thank YOU so much for your mercies, grace and favor upon my life and family. There is none like YOU.
145160-145365 oncoapop3 Prayed for WL who has just undergone brain surgery to remove a benign pituitary macroadenoma. Thank the Lord for the successful operation and recovery of his vision. Prayed for continued recovery so that WL may continue to share the love and Gospel of Christ wherever he travels with P.
145160-145365 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
145365-145570 RubeGold prayed for the homeless woman I saw under the bridge. may she be made whole in her addictions, housing issues and to come to know Jesus in her heart
145365-145570 randrews Prayed for Cheyenne’s multiple sclerosis to be cursed and her nerves to be restored.Will be following up with her and praying again.
145365-145570 oncoapop3 Prayed for WL who has just undergone brain surgery but is still continuing to bleed. Prayed that the Lord who guided the doctors to follow up after a routine check to discover the tumour and the same Lord who guided the surgeons to perform a successful surgery, will heal WL of the bleeding. Thanked the Lord that WL’s vision improved as a result of the removal of benign tumour which compressed the optic nerve.
145365-145570 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
145570-145775 RubeGold prayed for the healng js leg that got infected with necrotizing fascitis. after many surgeries, it has been a long and difficulty road for him and his wife and two daughters. may they meet jesus in the midst of financial hardships and life threatening illnesses.
145570-145775 randrews Prayed for Marios energy level to increase and his pituitary gland.Prayed for Daves left knee, it was an 8, dropped to 6, then dropped to 5 (he is in need of surgery).He felt this was good enough and left; praise Jesus!
145570-145775 oncoapop3 Prayed for YM in the Friday Bible Study group of N and M. Prayed for the Lord to work in his soul and give him joy and peace that is only found in Jesus Christ. Prayed that he will be transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit to live a fruitful and powerful life according to the Word.
145570-145775 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
145775-145980 oncoapop3 Prayed for the K and B families who have helped us in our time of need. Prayed that they will be rewarded by the Lord for having helped brothers who are in need in the family of God. Thanked the Lord for sending us such faithful servants to help us steward the Lord’s resources here on earth for His glory.
145775-145980 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
145980-146185 oncoapop3 Thanked the Lord for hearing our prayers for WL who underwent a successful brain surgery, made a recovery and will be discharged from hospital soon. Thank the Lord that God looks after His children as they faithfully serve Him as Lord and Master.
145980-146185 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
146185-146390 oncoapop3 Prayed for G who is struggling in her relationship with P. Prayed for the Lord to grant her wisdom as she confronts the financial practices of P which she feel uncomfortable with. Prayed that God will transform their marriage into a loving and God-honouring one.
146185-146390 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
146595-146800 oncoapop3 Prayed for the salvation of the younger son and also the husband of G. Thanked the Lord that he has already saved G and M. Prayed for their witness to the love of Jesus Christ in their household.
146595-146800 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
147005-147210 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
147210-147415 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
147415-147620 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
147620-147825 randrews Prayed for Moniquas fybromyalgia.Pain level 7 went to 5.FM moved from neck to back.PF back.PL went from 5 to ZERO.Praise Jesus Holy Name!Gave her my card.Fybro appears to be cured!
147620-147825 randrews PF Charles in front of walmart.He couldnt get out of his car to stand up after playing golf (bad back).Pain went from 8 to 2.Prayed again.Pain went to ZERO!Invited him to come out and witness with me.Praise our wonderful and Holy Counselor!
147620-147825 RubeGold prayed for js neck & shoulder pain. may jesus heal his body
147825-148030 RubeGold prayed for c/e’s child who broke her arm while rollerskating. If it be Jesus Christ’s will, may it heal quickly and have good time of bonding amongst friends and family thru the injury
147825-148030 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
148235-148440 oncoapop3 Prayed for Fred, Andreas, Darius and Mohammed who live with us. Prayed that we will be good witnesses to them and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Prayed that they would have ears to hear the Word of the Lord and conviction to act on those words.
148235-148440 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
148440-148645 brainbug77 God is with me! God is with us!! God is with me!!! we lack for nothing good. Almighty, Eternal and Everlasting God, we thank You for this day and everyday. From the rising of the sun and the going down of the same, May the name of Almighty God be praised. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
148440-148645 oncoapop3 Prayed for the ministry of the teaching of and the exposition on the Bible in our churches. That studying the Word of God will lead to us to praise and worship our God and Saviour, and also to greater obedience to our Master and God.
148440-148645 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
148645-148850 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
149055-149260 oncoapop3 Prayed for the A team that work in the medical research field. Prayed that many of the team would see past human achievement and catch a glimpse of the majesty of the Creator – God Himself, through the study of science.
149055-149260 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
149465-149670 RubeGold praying for the Indian people as the pmc bank collapses. I pray Christians and others can help them to reveal the power of Jesus helping your fellow man. May the Indian people from the deceit and collapse of their bank and life savings. May God be with them.
149465-149670 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
149670-149875 brainbug77 I pray for wisdom on what to do in the next season since I’ve lost my job. I pray that if God wants me contracting for a season then I will get lots of work coming in that I don’t need to subcontract out to anyone else and can easily do myself. I pray that it wont be too unbearable contracting for my old boss and that my old colleagues will still include me in things. If God wants me to have another job, I pray I would find one quickly that would pay much higher than my current one. I pray that my boss will give me a good reference regardless of my health situation. Thank you, in Jesus’ name.
149670-149875 brainbug77 God of gentleness and love
149670-149875 oncoapop3 As we approach Thanksgiving in Canada, gave thanks to the Lord for His goodness and mercy to us. Thanked him for blessing us with the gifts of His creation to enjoy and the freedom to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
149670-149875 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
149875-150080 oncoapop3 Prayed to the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and gave thanks for the blessings that we have in Jesus Christ. Thanked Him that we have redemption from our sins and have new live in Jesus Christ.
150080-150285 RubeGold prayed for my john’s persistent cough. may it not be serious and be healed in Jesus in name.
150080-150285 oncoapop3 Thanked the Lord for giving us His Word as recorded in the Holy Bible. Thanked Him for revealing Himself through His Son Jesus Christ, a historical person who walked this earth some 2000 years ago. Thanked Him for being the sacrifice to save us the punishment of death for our sin.
150285-150490 oncoapop3 Prayed for D who was involved in a motor accident. Prayed for his recovery from the head injury sustained. Thanked the Lord for protecting him from more serious injury. Prayed for spiritual protection over him and his family.
150490-150695 randrews Witnessed to Jerry for 30 minutes about lifestyle Christianity.He said he memorized the book of Matthew at the age of 20 but fell away.I feel like I planted a seed for him to restore his zeal.
150490-150695 oncoapop3 Prayed for B whose daughter Di was murdered by her own son. In such tragic situations, prayed that the Lord will comfort B and that she will draw strength from her Lord and Master. Prayed for Do who will be ministering to B.
150490-150695 RubeGold praying for God’s mercy on the homes in the wildfire zone. May people come to rely on Jesus for peace and wisdom during trials.
150695-150900 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
150900-151105 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
151105-151310 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
151310-151515 oncoapop3 Prayed for D who is receovering from a head injury caused by an accident. Prayed that in this time, he will learn to rest and trust in the Lord. Prayed for the family has they navigate the legal and medical processes and other family dynamics due to the accident.
151310-151515 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
151515-151720 RubeGold I pray for the hearts of the fire victims to depend more on Jesus as the true source of their needs and to let go of worldy comforts and desires. May they come to know Jesus through supportive people, difficult situations, and the rebuilding of their homes
151515-151720 randrews Met Saint Bead at Walmart Car Repair-he had a broken phone, broken USB charger, blown tire, and, the rental car had a blown tire.Offered to buy him a tire but they were out of stock.Tried to buy him USB charger but many events occurred and ended up Ubering him to his other car with his flat tire.He was very grateful and zealous for God as he was praying for help.
151515-151720 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
151720-151925 oncoapop3 Prayed for us to read and understand the inspired Word of God, which is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteoueness, that we, as God’s workmanship created in Christ, may be equipped for every good work that the Lord has prepared in advance for us to do (2 Tim 3:16-17, Eph 2:10)
151720-151925 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
151925-152130 RubeGold prayed for h’s surgery for broken wrist. may the surgeon’s be imbued with God’s wisdom and knowledge, and expeditiously set the bones and heal in Jesus name
151925-152130 oncoapop3 Thanked the Lord for helping us understand His Word given to us in the Bible. Prayed for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to enable us to put His commands into practice in our lives.
151925-152130 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
152130-152335 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
152335-152540 RubeGold prayed for d’s father in ICU after his kidney failed. Jesus Christ being the final authority. Let us put our trust in you and you only during crisis and difficult times. If it is your will, may you heal his father in Jesus name.
152335-152540 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
152540-152745 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
152745-152950 randrews PF Ernestines heel in car repair.Pain in heel went from 4 to 0, praise Jesus!
152745-152950 randrews PF Umberto in MB scooter, pain level 10 in back, parkinsons, shaking.Pain went to 7 then 6.Shaking stopped.Cursed parkinsons.Amazing improvements, praise Jesus.
152950-153155 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
153155-153360 RubeGold prayed for m’s rib after car accident. may it heal in Jesus name
153155-153360 oncoapop3 Prayed for G who previously had breast cancer but has recently discovered a new lump. Thank the Lord for they have been faithfully serving the Lord and pray that the Lord will guide them through this difficult time as He has done so in the past.
153155-153360 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
153360-153565 randrews Pf Chuck, who was in the coffee shop.He had severe neck pain, level 9.9.And cancer, and arthritis and back pain.After prayer 1 neck pain dropped to 8, but after reading Lk 10:19 with him, we had an amzing time, Neck pain dropped to ZERO, we cursed the cancer and he took authority over the problem with his wife, he will be following up with me during cancer checkup.
153360-153565 oncoapop3 Prayed for D who is recovering from head injuries following a motor accident. Prayed for a complete recovery and that the Lord will use this time of forced rest to demonstrate God’s love and faithfulness to him and his family.
153360-153565 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
153565-153770 RubeGold prayed for my neck & shoulder pain that persists. May it heal in Jesus name.
153565-153770 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
153770-153975 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
153975-154180 RubeGold prayed for fire victims in California. May they heal from burned down homes, animals lost, property burned to the ground…
153975-154180 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
154180-154385 randrews Prayed for Cheyenne with MS today, gave her my card.
154180-154385 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
154385-154590 RubeGold prayed for the fire victims. may their hearts heal from the loss and may they seek you in times of joy and trouble.
154590-154795 RubeGold praying for the fire victims. may their hearts heal from the trajectory and look to Jesus for comfort
154590-154795 RubeGold may jesus control the weather and let the fires die down. may the people that have lost homes heal from the loss of their shelter. may they find shelter in jesus
154795-155000 RubeGold praise God for settling down the fires. Please heal the firefighters that were injured in jesus name
154795-155000 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
155000-155205 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
155205-155410 RubeGold prayed for the fire victims that can return home. may they heal from the displacement and feel a sense of restoration and to repent from the gift of grace you’ve provided
155205-155410 oncoapop3 Prayed for our Christian witness throughout the world. May we be faithful to our Master, Lord and Saviour, who gave His own life to pay the penalty for our sin, forgive and redeem us from eternal death and give us life everlasting.
155205-155410 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
155410-155615 RubeGold may the church heal with gossip destroying the threads of trust. may forgiveness and reconilliation be the act of the day
155410-155615 randrews Prayed for Trevors knee, to be given a new kneecap from the organ room in Heaven.Pain went miraculously from 10 to ZERO!Praise Jesus!This was in the home improvement area of walmart.
155410-155615 randrews Prayed for Patti who had arthritis and a bad elbow and a brace.Paint went from 5 to 4 to 3 to 2.Prayed for a new Elbow from the organ room in heaven.Pain went to ZERO, praise JESUS!
155410-155615 oncoapop3 Prayed for our Christian witness throughout the world. May we be faithful to our Master, Lord and Saviour, who gave His own life to pay the penalty for our sin, forgive and redeem us from eternal death and give us life everlasting.
155410-155615 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
155615-155820 RubeGold Jesus bless the firefighters and helpers that put out the fire. May you give them rest and heal them from smoke, injuries, and weariness. May they find rest and strength in you.
155615-155820 randrews Prayed for Denitas thyroid and neck pain.Pain went from 5 to 3 to 2.Then we cursed the pain and cast the thyroid infirmity out and stood on the word of God, Luke 10 19.At this point the pain went to ZERO.Praise Jesus!
155615-155820 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
155820-156025 RubeGold prayed for the mountains to be healed from the scorched earth. may Jesus help us to be good stewards of the land.
155820-156025 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
156025-156230 randrews Baptized Shanna today into the Kingdom of God in the name of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit.This is the woman I prayed for that came out of the wheelchair (and now she doesnt need it).Also reconfirmed her faith with the Sinners Prayer, now she is Born Again.She spoke in tongues in her shower, after the baptism – praise Jesus!
156025-156230 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
156230-156435 randrews Prayed for Augustina with my new sister in Christ (an orphan!), and, we had miraculous results, her thigh was in bad shape,8 pain, dropped to 6 then 3 then 1 then ZERO, and she was amazed and we hugged her.Praise Jesus!
156230-156435 RubeGold prayed for my neck & shoulders. May Jesus heal my hands, wrist, neck, and shoulder paint.
156435-156640 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
156640-156845 RubeGold please heal our church from disagreements in the body.
156640-156845 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
156845-157050 RubeGold may jesus heal the land, that humans and animals may thrive.
156845-157050 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
157050-157255 randrews Prayed anti-witchcraft prayers and conducted spiritual warfare for Trump.
157050-157255 RubeGold please heal r’s body after the transplant surgery. in jesus name
157050-157255 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
157255-157460 randrews Prayed to rebuke Robs autoimmune disease and also to reverse Stus autoimmune disease.
157255-157460 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
157460-157665 randrews Prayed for Beads back, that was injured in a car accident (car totaled).Back pain went from 8 to 3 to 0.My sister in Christ said she sensed an Angel.
157460-157665 randrews Prayed for Bead#2 who had cataract surgery and an eye patch.His Left eye was very very blurry.Prayed for vision to be restored.His left eye became CLEAR. He could see his Pharmacy number!Praise Jesus!
157460-157665 randrews Prayed for Rudy in the wheelchair, with severe back pain and loss of muscle strength.Lower back pain went from 8 to 3 to 0.Prayed for his right leg to grow out 1/2 inch.We witnessed his leg grow in front of us!Praise Jesus, he got up out of the wheelchair! He sat back down and his ride came, this was a miracle
157460-157665 RubeGold Please heal these women that are abused and harassed by men, society, and people above them. Let them find comfort in Jesus
157665-157870 oncoapop3 Prayed for J and J to forgive and be reconciled one to another. Prayed for wisdom to know how to treat them both that the name of the Lord will be glorified.
157665-157870 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
157870-158075 RubeGold Please heal these women that are abused and harassed by men, society, and people above them. Let them find comfort in Jesus
157870-158075 oncoapop3 Prayed for wisdom and discernment for elders and pastors and they lead and guide their congregations in the knowledge and fear of the Lord.
157870-158075 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
158075-158280 oncoapop3 Prayed for spiritual protection from the Lord Jesus for the D family. Both D and V were involved in auto accidents within 2 months and interestingly we were studying Mark 5 and the authority of Jesus of nature, the spiritual realm, sickness/disease and death.
158075-158280 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
158075-158280 RubeGold prayed forthe healing of our church through turmoil.
158280-158485 RubeGold prayed for the healing of our church through turmoil.
158280-158485 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
158280-158485 oncoapop3 Prayed for the healing of D and V from head injuries from separate auto accidents. Thanked the Lord for protecting them from more serious injuries and prayed for continued protection over the family.
158485-158690 RubeGold prayed for the healing of our hearts from worldy sin.
158485-158690 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
158485-158690 oncoapop3 Prayed for the D family who have suffered physical injury due to inforeseen circumstances. Prayed for spiritual protection and healing.
158485-158690 randrews Prayed for Donald Trumps health and for Melanias continued loyalty to her husband.
158690-158895 RubeGold prayed for the health of coworkers , cough… please heal them
158690-158895 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
158690-158895 oncoapop3 Prayed for wisdom for XY as he and his family contemplates serving the Lord in full time missions and/or ministry.
158690-158895 randrews Prayed for Diannes shoulder in Walmart. Pain went from 8 to 1, Praise God.
158690-158895 randrews Prayed for Diannes shoulder in walmart; pain went from 8 to 1, praise God!
158895-159100 RubeGold prayed for the healing of co-workers constant cough. she felt much better after I prayed for her. Praise Jesus!
158895-159100 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
158895-159100 randrews Prayed for Adrianas Knee, discs, back and nerves. The knee pain went down to 1. We really felt the presence of God.
159100-159305 RubeGold prayed for the blessing and healing of hearts, that may be sour at the world for wrongs done to them. may they be stregthened and realize the hands of Jesus Christ upon them in all forms of struggle.
159100-159305 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
159100-159305 oncoapop3 Prayed for the E family. Prayed for love and reconciliation between the Js, that the Lord may be glorified.
159305-159510 RubeGold prayed for the promise of victory over the evil one’s temptation to whomever calls on His power and mercy. May our hearts be healed and be a light for the world.
159305-159510 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
159305-159510 randrews Interceded for all Football fans in America who idolize football over God. Prayed for mercy and for an anointing of salvation and repentance to shower down over the football fans.
159510-159715 RubeGold prayed for m’s uncle’s terminal liver cancer. may Jesus show mercy on his body and health. if it be your will, may he be given more time on earth to spread the Gospel and be a testimony of your mercy and power.
159510-159715 oncoapop3 Prayed for our witness during the Christmas season. Prayed that we would not get consumed by the busyness of doing stuff that we forget the reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour.
159510-159715 randrews I was in a grocery store wondering which type of corn flour I should get for the Tribulation fund, and one bag just fell off the shelf without me touching it. Then at the front of the store, a lady was begging accepted the flour. Strange day. Prayed for Don and Sandy.
159715-159920 RubeGold prayed for my son’s health. if it be His will, let my son be healed quickly. In Jesus name
159715-159920 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
159715-159920 oncoapop3 Prayed for the evangelism conference where we train Christians how to share the faith they already have with those who don’t already know Christ.
159920-160125 RubeGold in the midst of the holidays, hurriedness, and stress — will your calm our hearts into submission. help us show humility, gratefulness, and not complaining about small worldly problems.
159920-160125 oncoapop3 Prayed for L who was admitted in hospital following renal failure. Prayed for the family to know the grace and peace of God at this time.
160125-160330 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
160330-160535 RubeGold may people give with their hearts this holiday. heal from their desire to consume and get fat, and instead think of others and ways they can sarifice to get a little leaner and closer to Christ.
160330-160535 RubeGold prayed for all the homeless man sleeping outside in the rain. may he have a home soon or better shelter from the elements at least.
160330-160535 Sakic Prayed for healing my sisters knee injury
160330-160535 oncoapop3 Prayed for N who has a growth adjcent to his kidney. Thanked God for his priority CT scan and prayed for the Lord to grant wisdom to the doctors to recommend suitable treatment.
160525-160730 oncoapop3 Prayed for N who has a growth adjcent to his kidney. Thanked God for his priority CT scan and prayed for the Lord to grant wisdom to the doctors to recommend suitable treatment.