USPS News Release: Incentives Included in Price Filing

“Future price increases can be greatly alleviated if the Postal Service is given the tools necessary to be a more flexible, market-oriented company,” Robinson said.

Other highlights from the price filing include:

* First-Class Mail stamps would increase to 46 cents. A new Forever Stamp image will be available in October.

* First-Class Mail postcard prices would increase 2 cents to 30 cents.

* Periodicals would receive an 8 percent increase.

* Recommended increase for catalogs is 5.1 percent.

* Standard Mail parcels would increase about 23 percent.

via USPS News Release: Incentives Included in Price Filing.

The post office has to figure out a way to keep their pension under control. Definitely pay into it every day fully, but not more than they need to each year.