>Acer boss says U.S. computer manufacturers to go extinct by 2030 – Tech Products & Geek News | Geek.com: “While America may have once been known for its strong technological edge, the torch has continuously been passed to companies in the rest of the world over the past half century. Rewind fifty years and your television was almost certainly American; now, it’s a Sony, Panasonic, or Samsung. Rewind thirty years and your automobile was American-made; now, all American car manufacturers are bordering on collapse. Rewing twenty years ago and your camera was probably a Kodak; now it’s an Asian digicam.”
2030 may be a bit optimistic. Dell may still be around with servers and support contracts of servers. Most components are already manufactured in China or nearby Asian countries. Assembled in the USA is not going to be enough jobs. Consumers also don’t have the funds nor the desire to pay more for goods made in the USA.